Friday 27 November 2015

Wandering Misfit: Part 5 ... and there was lunch

     There I was standing outside this "hole in the wall" restaurant after a journey that had at this point taken around 24 hours. Even though it was lunchtime locally and in fact was only mid afternoon in Australia I was feeling pretty washed out.

     Food and then a good sleep seemed like a great idea so in I wandered to find the by now almost mythical Tony. After sitting me down at a table in the back Tony proceeded to order what seemed like half the menu. Now I have eaten "Chinese" food in a few different countries but nothing quite prepared me for this. It took me a long time to find out most of the food available at restaurants in the west is not only southern style, which makes it very different from the food in the north, but that it is also changed to appeal to more western palates.

     Most of the dishes brought out were pretty good albeit slightly on the greasy side. Insects featured in one dish and a whole chicken, head still intact in another but I had eaten far worse and despite being stared at by a decapitated hen I was thoroughly enjoying myself.

     The discussion was kept light and Tony seemed to at least realize I was too worn out to care about getting down to business. Towards the end of the meal though he called the waitress over and ordered one more item. Now Baijiu (literally white alcohol) has a well deserved reputation amongst foreigners in China. I am sure at some point I will have an entire episode devoted to just that topic but for now just let me say that I will never, ever drink Baijiu again.

     In fact I have even gone so far as to tell people in China that I am allergic to alcohol just to avoid having to share a drink of the local brew. Perhaps this is the point too where I should state that if you don't drink or smoke, and you are a man, life can get complicated in China. On the other hand if you do and you are a woman it can be even worse.

     Needless to say I drank the stuff I was offered, a fact I would later regret. The fact that between us we managed to down an entire bottle of what turned out to be 40% alcohol (with no mixer) seemed to amuse Tony.

     Shortly after he took me across the street to the hotel I would be temporarily living out of until they found me an apartment. Grateful as I was I was still a little edgy about the place it wasn't for another couple of years that I would realize why. Only about 18 months after i stayed there the place was condemned and ripped down glad I was only there for a couple of days.

       Rory McDonald is an online marketer and digital entrepreneur, co-founder of the Online Business Expert and passionate blogger.

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