Monday 23 November 2015

Wandering Misfit: Part 1 or where it all started

     I am not famous and I am definitely not special, many other people have similar stories and quirky lives. In fact it is the very fact that I really am no one special that makes me want to share my journey. You see all to often we follow the lives of celebrities or we gush over the quotes and tidbits of the wildly successful. It makes sense we want to rub shoulders with those giants, we hope that a little bit of their "magic" will rub off on us.

     What we must never forget though is that our journeys and our stories are just as important. We, far more than the famous and the infamous, make up the world we live in. We all have a story somewhere that can inspire or can move people to action and in a way it is our duty to do just that.

     To explain why I want to lay bare my sometimes embarrassing journey to where I am today I need first to explain where I am. I am a 29 year old who has only just found their place in life. I didn't go to university, I floated around the world and I wasted my twenties on making plans for my thirties.

     Many of my friends are settled with kids, a lifelong job and a mortgage and for a long time I felt kind of left out. It as some of you I am sure know can be hard being the odd one out. Being embarrassed at parties when people ask how's work, and do you have kids yet?

     Recently though I started to realize that maybe the joke was on them. Working 9-5 to pay back the bank for a house that they will be lucky to own by the time they retire. Slaving away in a cubicle or in the case of many of my school friends working their fingers to the bone in manual labour.

     I know that a desk job is important and many need the security. Believe me I've been there. In fact only about a year ago I was craving the very same thing. I promised myself if I could find a halfway decent desk job in a quiet office I'd be a good boy and settle in for the long term.

     All I can say about that now is thank god I didn't find that job.

     What I found instead has made all that wasted time all that jumping from place to place worthwhile. You see not long ago (about 3 months) I found something to be truly passionate about. Even though I am "under educated" by modern standards I am passionate about education. I have for most of the last 10 years been involved with education in one form or another and what I found Online was an education that finally opened the doors I had thought were locked.

     Rory McDonald is an online marketer and digital entrepreneur, co-founder of the Online Business Expert and passionate blogger.

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