Thursday 3 September 2015

Why are you waiting?

     So many people procrastinate. They umm and ahh and make excuses and promise themselves they’ll do it tomorrow.

      It may well be though that tomorrow is too late. Even if it isn’t too late it is just another day wasted.

     Do you believe you can do better? Do you believe you can change not only your life but the lives of others?

     You see what so few people understand is that many, if not most, of the good digital marketing mentors out there want to help you and then you can help others and so the chain goes.

     So why? Why do I and many others want to help you?

     Well for starters it’s good for our business. The more faith people have in the fact the internet isn’t just one big scam the better for all of us. Secondly many of us, myself included, have been so far down on our luck, so backed into a corner that we don’t want to see others go the same way.
Many of us have at times when we start not been able to pay our rent, or lost it all on a stupid gamble.

     Why would we want to see more people become a victim of those who nearly stopped us from earning our success?

     The last reason, at least for me personally, is I am a teacher. I love it. I love watching people grow, watching them not only to see their real potential but also to reach out to it.

     So if you want to be better. If you want to show what you’ve got go out and do it. No more ummms and no more ahhhs. I want you to be proud of who you see in the mirror.

     Learn something new everyday, if you don’t you aren’t really living. Help out a friend every chance you can, if you don’t how can you say you’re really human. Give yourself all the chances you can, if you don’t then you deny the entire world your hidden genius.

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